Sea level is monitored in Spain by various
agencies for different applications: control of the
national levelling system, oceanographic studies,
climate change, operational purpose, harbour
operations, navigation, etc.
The paper describes the initial efforts in a project whose objective is to obtain a 40-year hindcast of wind, sea level and wave climatology for European waters.
De acuerdo con el IPCC cerca de un 50% de la población mundial vive en la
zona costera. En lo que se refiere a España, los municipios costeros, con apenas un 7% del territorio, albergan al 45% de la población nacional.
La series del nivel del mar procedentes de la red de estaciones mareográficas costeras operadas por el IEO pueden ser consideradas por su longitud y su distribución geográfica un índice de la variabilidad regional
For the global tourism industry, climate change brings more risks than opportunities. There will be regional and seasonal shifts in tourist flows, resulting in both winners and losers.
The complementarity of two renewable energy sources, namely hydro and wind, is investigated. We consider the diversification effect of wind power to reduce the risk of water inflow shortages, an important energy security concern for hydropower-based economic zones (e.g. Québec and Norway).