
Document Orientaciones técnicas sobre la defensa contra el cambio climático de las infraestructuras para el período 2021-2027
Document Water resources across Europe — confronting water stress: an updated assessment
Document European State of the Climate 2020
Document Policy brief for the EU
Document Responding to the health risks of climate change in Europe
Document Nature-based solutions in Europe: Policy, knowledge and practice for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
Document Estrategia europea de adaptación al cambio climático (2013)
Document Estrategia europea de adaptación al cambio climático (2021)
Document Guidance on integrating climate change and biodiversity into environmental impact assessment
Document Guidance on integrating climate change and biodiversity into strategic environmental assessment
Document Monitoring and evaluation of national adaptation policies throughout the policy cycle
Document Economic analysis of selected climate impacts (Peseta IV Project)
Document Analysis of climate change impacts on EU agriculture by 2050 (Peseta IV Project)
Document Global warming and human impacts of heat and cold extremes in the EU (Peseta IV Project)
Document Urban adaptation in Europe: how cities and towns respond to climate change
Document European wildfire danger and vulnerability in a changing climate: towards integrating risk dimensions (PESETA IV Project)
Document Global warming and windstorm impacts in the EU (PESETA IV project)
Document Seasonal impacts of climate change on electricity production (PESETA IV project)
Document Renaturalización de la ciudad
Document Adaptación de sistemas agrarios. Adaptación sostenible de sistemas agrarios europeos al cambio climático
Document Climate change and Europe’s water resources (PESETA IV project)
Document Global warming and drought impacts in the EU (PESETA IV project)
Document Guía para la elaboración de planes de acción para el clima y la energía sostenible (PACES)
Document Climate change impacts and adaptation in Europe. JRC PESETA IV final report
Document Inundaciones y cambio climático