
Documento Patterns of leaf morphology and leaf N content in relation to winter temperatures in three evergreen tree species
Documento Drought Response in Forest Trees: From the Species to the Gene
Documento Grand Paris: regional landscape change to adapt city to climate warming
Documento Phenotypic plasticity and climatic adaptation in an Atlantic maritime pine breeding population
Documento Mitigation and adaptation investments for desertification and climate change: an assessment of the socioeconomic return
Documento Overview: Climate Change Adaptation in Industry
Documento Perspectives on Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe
Documento Climate change impacts and adaptation in cities: a review of the literature
Documento Mediterranean agriculture under climate change: adaptive capacity, adaptation, and ethics
Documento Future scenarios for viticultural zoning in Europe: ensemble projections and uncertainties
Documento Climate change and summer mass tourism: the case of Spanish domestic tourism
Documento Towards adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the Mediterranean
Documento International Retirement Migration from Northern Europe to the Mediterranean: New Results on the Role of Climate with a Possible Application to Climate Change
Documento Water and People: Assessing Policy Priorities for Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean
Documento Climate Change Impacts on Typical Mediterranean Crops and Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies to Cope With
Documento Adaptation strategies for the Mediterranean
Documento Escenarios de migraciones (forzadas) ante el cambio climático global : el caso de la comunidad andina de Cruz de Mayo (Parón) y la Laguna Parón
Documento Impactos del calentamiento global sobre los ecosistemas polares
Documento Efectos del cambio climático en la distribución potencial del maiz en el estado de Jalisco, México
Documento Cambio climático y océanos, desafío para el siglo XXI
Documento Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Documento Climate change 2007. Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Documento Climate change. Adaptation and mitigation in the tourism sector: Frameworks, tools and practices
Documento Turismo y cambio climático en España. Evaluación de la Vulnerabilidad del Turismo de Interior frente a los Impactos del Cambio Climático
Documento Amenazas naturales asociadas al ascenso del nivel del mar en el caribe colombiano