Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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cultivo de la vid

Optimum climate conditions for grapevine growth are limited geographically and may be further challenged by a changing climate. Due to the importance of the winemaking sector in Europe, the assessment of future scenarios for European viticulture is of foremost relevance.
In this study the impacts on durum wheat and grapevine yields, and olive suitable cultivation area were investigated for two time slices under A1B SRES scenario, at first. Then, some adaptation strategies to cope with these impacts were explored.
En este trabajo se analiza la evolución de la meteorología y se contrasta con series largas de producción de cultivos herbáceos (cereales, heno de veza y girasol), y arbóreos (viña, olivar y pistachero), sometidos a diferentes manejos, rotaciones de cultivos, agricultura convencional, de conservació
It is expected that the CO2 concentration could increase from the actual 379 ppm to approximately 700 ppm at the end of the century. Also, it is believed that climate change could increase plant water stress (WS) affecting crop production.