Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Structural/physical: Ecosystemic options

Amphibians, biodiversity conservation, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, Segovia, Castilla y León

El proyecto “Adaptación, restauración y creación de hábitats para anfibios amenazados por el cambio climático en los Montes de Valsaín, Segovia” nace con el objetivo de contrarrestar el declive global de los anfibios, que actualmente constituyen el grupo de vertebrados más amenazado del mundo.

ADAPTaRES Project: Adaptation to climate change in Macaronesia through the efficient use of water and its reuse

The islands of Macaronesia are not spared from the effects of climate change, being very vulnerable to their consequences given their particular geographical situation, insularity, remoteness from the continent, fragmentation, external dependency, scarcity of natural resources, demographic density, dependence on the tourism sector and great biodiversity.

Environmental restoration of the Maspalomas dune system (MASDUNAS Project)

The Masdunas project is a pilot initiative born with the aim of finding the appropriate solutions to halt, as much as possible, the environmental degradation that has occurred over the past 50 years in the Maspalomas Dunes, largely due to the unsustainable use of its resources. The aim is to prevent the potential disappearance of the mobile dune field in the coming years, thus preserving its environmental value and its significance as a tourist attraction.

Reconversion of former irrigated land into pastures in the area of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park

The Tablas de Daimiel is a virtually unique wetland in Europe and the last representative of the ecosystem known as 'river tables,' once characteristic of the central plain of our Peninsula. It is a complex ecosystem that combines the characteristics of a floodplain, created by the overflows of the Guadiana and Gigüela rivers at their confluence, with an area of groundwater discharge from a large aquifer, resulting in the formation of a waterlogged river area: the river tables.

Pteridium Project. - Adaptation to climate change in the Cantabrian Mountains by controlling common fern (Pteridium aquilinium) populations in a circular economy system

The project "Adaptation to Climate Change in the Cantabrian Mountains through the control of common fern (Pteridium aquilinum) populations in a Circular Economy system" led by the Association of Sustainable Municipalities of Cantabria, in addition to having the support of the Ministry for Ecological Transition through the Biodiversity Foundation, had also with the participation of the Environmental Research Center (CIMA), the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (CSIC-IBBTEC) and the Cultural Association Bosques de Cantabria.

Hydrologic connection and habitat improvement in the meanders of the lower course of the Arga River (Navarra)

Until the 1970s, the lower section of the Arga River, near its confluence with the Aragón, meandered through a wide floodplain, with intense fluvial dynamics. At the time, it was deemed necessary to carry out works to contain the river's floods, leading to its rectification and channelling in the section from the town of Falces to the mouth of the Aragón River.

Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System (LIFE CERSUDS).- Demonstration Project developed in Benicàssim (Castellón)

The European LIFE CERSUDS project (Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System) is developing sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that use ceramic materials of low commercial value as a filter system for construction or paving. Its main objective is to improve the capacity of cities to adapt to climate change and to promote the use of green infrastructures in their urban planning for the rehabilitation of such urban areas. To achieve this, LIFE CERSUDS has developed and implemented a sustainable urban ceramic drainage system with low environmental impact.

Adaptation, restoration and creation of habitats for amphibians threatened by climate change in the Montes de Valsaín mountain range, Segovia

The project "Adaptation, restoration and habitat creation for amphibians threatened by climate change in the Valsaín Forestry, Segovia" was initiated with the aim of counteracting the global decline of amphibians, which are currently the most threatened group of vertebrates in the world. This project was specially designed to respond to the decline of more than a third of amphibian species, which are under some degree of threat due to habitat destruction, adverse climate change, emerging diseases, and the disappearance of critical breeding sites.

NBS URBAN project: Map of the potential of Natural Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation at the local level: Methodological guide for its identification and mapping. Donostia-San Sebastián Case Study

The NBS URBAN project aims to integrate nature into urban planning, strengthening the use of ecosystems and nature together with existing infrastructures, for adaptation to climate change at the level of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, using a map for its identification and deployment.