Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Casos Prácticos

Cada vez son más las experiencias, iniciativas y proyectos dirigidos a desarrollar y poner en marcha acciones concretas de adaptación al cambio climático. En este módulo podrás explorar casos prácticos sobre adaptación desarrollados en diferentes territorios de España e implementadas por Administraciones Públicas, entidades del sector privado, organizaciones y otros actores. Por otra parte, podrás también consultar y acceder a los casos prácticos incluidos en la Plataforma Europea Climate-ADAPT. Aquí puedes consultar más información sobre esta funcionalidad y la conexión con Climate-ADAPT.
Además, en esta publicación puedes conocer una selección de los casos prácticos de adaptación con algunas de las prácticas más representativas​.
Aviso: ​Las opiniones y documentación aportadas en los casos prácticos son de exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores de los mismos.


Autor de la imagen: Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero (CHD)/Fototeca CENEAM


Autora de la imagen: Sara Perales Momparler/Fototeca CENEAM  


Otros Casos Practicos

During the 1980s and 1990s, the neighbourhood of Augustenborg in Malmö was an area of social and economic decline and was frequently flooded by an overflowing drainage system. Between 1998 and 2002, the area was regenerated.

Historically, the Regge was a free-flowing shallow lowland river which meandered through a landscape containing marshes, wet meadows and sandy levees.

91% of Italian municipalities are currently under risk of river and pluvial flooding, an important increase as compared to 2015 when 88% of municipalities were at risk (

Weather- and climate-related damages, in particular those due to flooding, pose substantial risks to the business continuity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The agricultural sector is affected both by negative impacts of climate change and contributes to climate change through its greenhouse-gas (GHGs) emissions. For this reason, agriculture plays a key role in defining successful adaptation and mitigation measures.

Kristalbad is an area of about 40 hectares located in the east of the Netherlands between the cities of Enschede (160.000 inhabitants) and Hengelo (81.000 inhabitants).

Hydropower is an essential part of the energy mix in France, accounting for around 20% of installed capacity.

Isola Vicentina (Italy) signed the EU’s Mayors Adapt initiative (current Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) in 2014 and since then started the elaboration process of its Municipal Water Management Plan (MWMP) in order to integrate climate change adaptation int

Settlements, infrastructure, land use and road connections in the Grimsel area in southern Switzerland are heavily exposed to risks from hydrological and gravitational natural hazard processes, such as rock fall, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, and floods favoured b