Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Casos Prácticos

Cada vez son más las experiencias, iniciativas y proyectos dirigidos a desarrollar y poner en marcha acciones concretas de adaptación al cambio climático. En este módulo podrás explorar casos prácticos sobre adaptación desarrollados en diferentes territorios de España e implementadas por Administraciones Públicas, entidades del sector privado, organizaciones y otros actores. Por otra parte, podrás también consultar y acceder a los casos prácticos incluidos en la Plataforma Europea Climate-ADAPT. Aquí puedes consultar más información sobre esta funcionalidad y la conexión con Climate-ADAPT.
Además, en esta publicación puedes conocer una selección de los casos prácticos de adaptación con algunas de las prácticas más representativas​.
Aviso: ​Las opiniones y documentación aportadas en los casos prácticos son de exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores de los mismos.


Autor de la imagen: Roser Mundet/AdapteCCa   El alcornoque tiene un área de distribución mundial relativamente pequeña (unos 25,000 km2), en la cuenca circunmeditarránea, más de la mitad de la cual se reparte entre España y Portugal.

Otros Casos Practicos

High temperatures and heatwaves in the summer pose increasing risks to people living in Slovakian cities.

The former industrial area “Luciline” in Rouen, along the Seine river, has been profoundly re-designed into an ecodistrict covering 9 hectares in total and including both climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions. Sustainable living is the core principle of the neighbourhood re-design.

91% of Italian municipalities are currently under risk of river and pluvial flooding, an important increase as compared to 2015 when 88% of municipalities were at risk (

Weather- and climate-related damages, in particular those due to flooding, pose substantial risks to the business continuity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

25 Verde is a residential building in Torino including 63 apartments (ranging from 50 to 140 square meters), which has been designed to integrate over 150 trees and other plants in the façade and on the roof to create an ideal micro-climate inside the building, while

Normally a shallow river, the White Cart Water was prone to flash flooding. Its water levels can rise by six metres after just 12 hours of rain, which threatened vulnerable Glasgow suburbs downstream.

The municipality of Ober-Grafendorf is located at an elevation of 280 m in a typical pre-Alpine landscape in the Mostviertel region in the western part of the Austrian province Lower Austria.

Vrijburcht is a multipurpose living-and-working complex in Amsterdam. It offers many shared social amenities for both the residents and the people from the neighbourhood.

Malmö is experiencing negative effects from climate change due to rising temperatures and excessive rainfall.