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Casos Prácticos
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Aviso: Las opiniones y documentación aportadas en los casos prácticos son de exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores de los mismos.
Otros Casos Prácticos
This case study describes the flood risk management plan and the related restoration of a formerly canalized eight kilometres stretch of the Isar river in the city of Munich (the so called “Isar Plan”).
The Regge River is a typical rain fed river. Starting in the 19th century the first bends were cut and over the years the Regge River was largely turned into a canal. In situations with heavy rainfall, large areas in the valley of the river are flooded.
IRRINET is an IT irrigation system aiming to advise farmers on efficient water management.
The City of Växjö is situated in the southern part of Sweden, surrounded by forests and lakes. As many parts of the central city of Växjö were built upon wet and swampy areas they are vulnerable to floods after heavy rainfall events.