Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Casos Prácticos

Cada vez son más las experiencias, iniciativas y proyectos dirigidos a desarrollar y poner en marcha acciones concretas de adaptación al cambio climático. En este módulo podrás explorar casos prácticos sobre adaptación desarrollados en diferentes territorios de España e implementadas por Administraciones Públicas, entidades del sector privado, organizaciones y otros actores. Por otra parte, podrás también consultar y acceder a los casos prácticos incluidos en la Plataforma Europea Climate-ADAPT. Aquí puedes consultar más información sobre esta funcionalidad y la conexión con Climate-ADAPT.
Además, en esta publicación puedes conocer una selección de los casos prácticos de adaptación con algunas de las prácticas más representativas​.
Aviso: ​Las opiniones y documentación aportadas en los casos prácticos son de exclusiva responsabilidad del autor o autores de los mismos.
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Otros Casos Practicos

Climate change will have an adverse impact on many economic sectors (such as energy, food, construction, tourism, insurance). In the banking sector, it is acknowledged that risks faced by clients also create risks for banks.

Vrijburcht is a multipurpose living-and-working complex in Amsterdam. It offers many shared social amenities for both the residents and the people from the neighbourhood.

In Germany, for a long time a single fee for both rainwater and wastewater was levied in all communities.

In response to climate change, one of Hamburg’s objectives is to become greener, in the city and on the roofs. In this context, Hamburg is the first German city to have developed a comprehensive Green Roof Strategy.

Malmö is experiencing negative effects from climate change due to rising temperatures and excessive rainfall.

The agriculture sector in Montpellier is highly vulnerable to higher temperature and more frequent droughts associated with projected climate change. To prepare for the effects of climate change it is important that agriculture in Montpellier takes appropriate adaptation measures.

In 2000, the governments of Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova pledged to work together – with the signing of the Lower Danube Green Corridor Agreement - to establish a green corridor along the entire length of the Lower Danube River (~1,000 km).

The Segura River Basin in the south east of Spain suffers from a structural condition of water scarcity and drought occurrence. For decades, the focus for dealing with this condition has been placed on instrumental objectives such as increasing water transfer facilities (i.e.

Dorset is a county in South West England on the English Channel Coast. The Dorset heathlands cover an extensive area of South East Dorset, fragmented by urban development and other land uses. These heathlands once covered over 50,000 hectares, stretching as far as Dorchester and Poole.