Case study
Catchment management approach to flash flood risks in Glasgow |
Case study
Adapting overhead lines in response to increasing temperatures in UK |
Case study
Multi-Hazard approach to early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway |
Case study
Heatwave plan for England |
Case study
Assessing adaptation challenges and increasing resilience at Heathrow airport |
Case study
Sand Motor – building with nature solution to improve coastal protection along Delfland coast (the Netherlands) |
Case study
Adaptation of French standards for design, maintenance and operation of transport infrastructures |
Case study
Implementation of the integrated Master Plan for Coastal Safety in Flanders |
Case study
Kruibeke Bazel Rupelmonde (Belgium): a controlled flood area for flood safety and nature protection |
Case study
Regional flood management by combining soft and hard engineering solutions, the Norfolk Broadlands |
Case study
A transboundary depoldered area for flood protection and nature: Hedwige and Prosper Polders |
Case study
Room for the River Regge, Netherlands - restoring dynamics |
Case study
Room for the River Waal – protecting the city of Nijmegen |
Case study
Coastal protection by managed realignment, Titchwell Marsh |
Case study
An integrated plan incorporating flood protection: the Sigma Plan (Scheldt Estuary, Belgium) |
Case study
Financial contributions of planning applications to prevention of heathland fires in Dorset, UK |
Case study
Implementing climate change allowances in drainage standards across the UK railway network |
Case study
A flood and heat proof green Emscher valley, Germany |
Case study
Amphibious housing in Maasbommel, the Netherlands |
Case study
Saltmarsh recreation by managed realignment, Hesketh Out Marsh - UK |
Case study
Climate resilient retrofit of a Rotterdam building |
Case study
New locks in Albertkanaal in Flanders, Belgium |
Case study
Flexible and adaptive coastal planning and protection approach in Aurich, Lower Saxony |
Case study
NBS URBAN project: Map of the potential of Natural Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation at the local level: Methodological guide for its identification and mapping. Donostia-San Sebastián Case Study |
Case study
EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre |