Autonomous Communities

Autonomous Communities, in the exercise of their powers, maintain strategic frameworks, plans, and/or programs related to climate change adaptation, which they implement through numerous initiatives and actions. This page provides a summary of this information and serves as a gateway to access and explore in depth the frameworks and actions carried out at the regional level in our country

Canarias / Canary IslandsBaleares / Balearic Islands Galicia / Galicia Principado de Asturias / Principality of Asturias Cantabria / Cantabria País Vasco / Basque Country Navarra La Rioja / La Rioja Aragón / Aragon Catalunya / Catalonia Castilla y León / Castilla y León Comunidad de Madrid / Autonomous Community of Madrid Extremadura / Extremadura Castilla-La Mancha / Castilla-La Mancha Comunidad Valenciana / Autonomous Community of Valencia Región de Murcia / Region of Murcia Andalucía / Andalusia