- Actions for recovery and improvement of fluvial habitat
- Previously to the barrier permeabilization works in the Manzanares River, native fish species were rescued (capture and transfer)
- The number and diversity of refuge and reproductive microhabitats for aquatic organisms has increased by placing rocks and/or trunks in the river section
- Actions to improve plant cover
- Silviculture work and elimination of exotic vegetation
They include cleaning of the vegetation by pruning and clearing and, in some cases, removing the specimens that are in poor phytosanitary condition.
- Restoration of riparian vegetation
Plantation of irregular forest of native species in bands parallel to the channel and protection of singular trees
- Recovery and improvement of hydrological continuity
-Removal of sediments in La Trofa stream
The homogenization of the flow regime in the Manzanares River and the increase in erosion and discharges from several sewage treatment plants into the stream basin had created an island of sediments, which have been partially removed to ensure an adequate slope is attained for the bed to recover the original width of the river.
- Lowering of gauging station slab
The foundation slab of the Mingorrubio gauging station has been removed to lower the current bed level and eliminate the backwater generated upstream.
- Installation of fish ramp in the El Pardo dam to facilitate the migration of native fish species.
- Morphological recovery of the riverbank space
- Removal of fillings and softening of slopes, improving accessibility to the river
- Restoration of the "Las Madroñeras - Freijo" ravine
The Las Madroñeras ravine is a gully complex used for the extraction of aggregates at the time of the construction of El Pardo dam.
- Sustainable public use and interpretation of nature
- Pedestrian footbridge installation to recover pedestrian communication between both banks, which was eliminated with the demolition of the old Mingorrubio gauging station.
- Adaptation of different types of paths and trails
Those affected by earthworks have been made fit to ensure the safety of users.
- Interpretive material. Signage and information panels
Information panels have been placed that show the main natural and/or cultural characteristics of the river. In addition, the network of paths and trails has been marked.
- Hunting enclosure
To minimize the causes of erosion, the area stretching from the stream crossing with the railway line to its mouth in the Manzanares River has been delimited.
- Drinking troughs - rafts
Since the enclosure results in usage restrictions of part of the stream basin, it is considered necessary to install troughs outside the enclosure.
- Enclosure at the confluence with the Manzanares River
At the point of confluence, the fence delimiting the Monte de El Pardo periodically suffers breakage due to flooding of the stream. A permanent structure has been built to withstand strong floods and allow the evacuation of large volumes of water and sand.
- Riverbed elevation and lateral reconnection
- Installation of hydraulic elements
It facilitates earthworks and smoothing of slopes, which raises the bed and enhances the functionality of the floodplain, favoring the connection of vegetation with the water table.
The recovery of the vegetation and the natural purification of the waters coming from the municipalities of the upper part of the basin will also contribute to sediment retention.
- Sediment traps
To contribute to the stability of the materials supplied from earthworks, "fixed points" are established in the channel which, acting as a sediment trap, produce a backwater upstream.
- Recovery of riparian and undergrowth vegetation
In the band closest to the stream, deep-rooted ash trees have been planted and staked out with willows, while shrubs, scrub and trees native to the area have been planted in areas further away from the stream.
High nutrient values have been detected due to effluents reaching the stream. Macrophytes with high phytodepuration potential have been planted while a biotope of interest for birds and amphibians has been generated.
- Maintenance and conservation
- Replanting
- Maintenance irrigation
- Path/trail maintenance
- Sanitation of riverside vegetation
- Ecological and Environmental Monitoring
During the three subsequent years, the effect of the measures on the ecological conditions of the water body, hydromorphological conditions, state of vegetation, etc. will be evaluated. The works already carried out in this sense have allowed to design part of the undertakings to be performed in phase 2 of the project.