COP29 - Multigovernace Climate Action: Regional Cooperation for Local Administrations and the Private Sector

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  • This event will explore how regional administrations can play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable climate action at the local level. By providing effective support to local administrations and the private sector, regions can accelerate progress towards net-zero goals. With the participation of representatives from regional administrations from across the world, scientists, the business sector and organizations, the discussions will explore which strategies they are implementing for strengthening partnerships between regional and local governments to address climate challenges as well as ways to encourage and facilitate private sector participation in regional and local climate initiatives. We will also work to highlight successful case studies of regional climate action and the role of local administrations and the private sector in achieving tangible results.
  • We aim to carry an event that will serve to provide insights into the latest trends and best practices in regional climate governance. An opportunity to network with key stakeholders from local governments, the private sector, technologists and scientists and regional authorities. Explore opportunities for collaboration and partnership and seek alliances to advance climate action.


Catalina de Miguel García. Regional Government of Andalusia.


Introductory Speech: Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla. President Regional Government of Andalusia. Spain

  • Sam Assefa. Director. Governor’s Office of Climate Innovation and Land Use. California.
  • Mariana Trinidad Corvaro. Responsible for Climate Action and Resilience Projects. Regions4.
  • Julieta Cristina Schallenberg Rodríguez. Deputy Councillor. Regional Government of the Canary Islands. Spain.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 08:30 - 09:30