COP29 - Citizens as active agents in decarbonisation

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In a world facing an escalating climate crisis, the demand for decarbonisation has been mainly led by public institutions and private corporations. This roundtable aims to shift the focus towards the role of individual citizens and communities as drivers of sustainable change. The event will introduce the Suma Net Zero Index (SNZI), a pioneering study conducted in Spain, which identifies key behaviours and attitudes towards decarbonization and economic growth and examines the barriers and motivations that impact citizens engagement in climate action. This discussion will gather perspectives from diverse sectors to address how empowering citizens can significantly contribute to speed up the decarbonisation pathway to achieve Net Zero.


  • Highlight the importance of citizen engagement in achieving the decarbonisation of economy and Net Zero targets.
  • Present findings from the Suma Net Zero Index (SNZI), an assessment of the impact of individual actions on sustainability and climate action.
  • Explore best practices to foster sustainable behaviours, including policies, financing and technologies that support citizen-driven change.
  • Facilitate a multi-sectoral dialogue to exchange ideas on how to enhance citizen sensibilization and participation in climate action and assess its role in reaching global sustainability targets.


Mª Luz Castilla. President of the Impact Committee. Suma Capital & Board member of the Spanish Green Growth Group


  • Andrea Bonzanni. Director of International Policy. IETA.
  • Lola Vallejo. Climate Special Advisor. IDDRI.
  • Tennant Reed. Director – Climate Change and Energy. Australian Industry Group.
  • Pedro Zorrilla. Climate change campaigner. Greenpeace
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 08:30 - 09:30