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Urban Planning means entering a way of thinking and doing that emphasises integrated approaches. Current climate challenges demand a greater awareness of environmental and social issues, with a primary focus on urban resilience, with a new vision of urban transition and innovation that considers cities (and cultural heritage) as common goods to be preserved despite the global change.
This session will explore both theoretical and practical aspects for both decarbonisation and building resilience as two parts of the same coin giving special attention to water, energy, food and technology, all key services and central to integrating adaptation and mitigation through urban planning.
- The session will include the experience of local and international organisations, to investigate how these challenges related to sustainability, climate change, urban metabolism, disaster recovery planning and post-disaster rebuilding can be met.
- Key takeaways for enhancing ambition?
- Key takeaways for enabling actions?
Francesco Musco. Professor. Università Iuav di Venezia (IUAV). Italy.
- Anshul Abbasi. Architect and Urban Regeneration professional. Indian Institute of Urban Affairs.
- Jerusalem Hernández. Partner. KPMG.
- Miroslav Polzer. Strategic Director. Glocha.
- Goksen Sahin. Senior Advocacy Officer. Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI).
- Alejandro García. Environment Councillor. Valladolid City Council. Spain.