Case study
Heat Hotline Parasol – Kassel region |
Case study
Realisation of flood protection measures for the city of Prague |
Case study
Operation of the Austrian Heat Protection Plan |
Case study
European funds for flood protection measures in Smolyan - Bulgaria |
Case study
Bosco Limite - A participatory strategy of water saving and aquifer artificial recharge in Northern Italy |
Case study
Replacing overhead lines with underground cables in Finland |
Case study
Improved resilience of biomass fuel supply chain in UK |
Case study
Mainstreaming adaptation in water management for flood protection in Isola Vicentina |
Case study
Heatwave plan for England |
Case study
Operation of the Portuguese Contingency Heatwaves Plan |
Case study
Climate adaptation strategy for the Grimsel area in the Swiss Alps |
Case study
Hydropower expansion and improved management in response to increased glacier melt in Iceland |
Case study
Multi-Hazard approach to early warning system in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway |
Case study
Timmendorfer Strand coastal flood defence strategy, Germany |
Case study
Nature-based measures against rockfalls over forests in the Engadin Region, Switzerland |
Case study
Adapting overhead lines in response to increasing temperatures in UK |
Case study
Catchment management approach to flash flood risks in Glasgow |
Case study
Relocation as adaptation to flooding in the Eferdinger Becken, Austria |
Case study
Flood protection in the Upper Vistula river basin: grey and green measures implemented in the Sandomierz area |
Case study
The Watermachine: multifunctional area for flood protection and improved water quality - Kristalbad, Enschede |
Case study
Building railway transport resilience to Alpine hazards in Austria |
Case study
Kruibeke Bazel Rupelmonde (Belgium): a controlled flood area for flood safety and nature protection |
Case study
Temporary flood water storage in agricultural areas in the Middle Tisza river basin - Hungary |
Case study
Regional flood management by combining soft and hard engineering solutions, the Norfolk Broadlands |
Case study
A transboundary depoldered area for flood protection and nature: Hedwige and Prosper Polders |