Energy production and transportation face a series of impacts brought about by climate change. These include changes to seasonal and annual trends in energy demand and variations in the electric power mix – which will depend less on hydroelectricity due to diminishing water resources.
Other foreseeable impacts in this sector include modifications to thermal, nuclear and cogeneration power station efficiency rates, greater cooling needs, a loss in the transmission capacity of high voltage cables and damage to energy infrastructures caused by an increase in extreme weather phenomena.
Nevertheless, these impacts will also open up numerous opportunities to innovate and improve the efficiency of new technologies.
Colección Klimatek: Resiliencia climática del sector de la energía en el País Vasco
Ihobe, 2020
Adaptation challenges and opportunities for the European energy system. Building a climate‑resilient low‑carbon energy system
Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (AEMA), 2019
Guía para la elaboración de planes de acción para el clima y la energía sostenible
EuroVértice Consultores, 2019
Informe de Adaptación al Cambio Climático del Sector Energético Español: Análisis de la influencia del cambio climático en la oferta y la demanda de energía
Instituto de la Investigación Tecnológica de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2015
Seasonal impacts of climate change on electricity production (PESETA IV project)
Joint Research Center - Comisión Europea, 2020