Agriculture, livestock, fishing, aquaculture and food

Agricultural activity in Spain is very sensitive to climate change but, at the same time, this sector has great capacity to adapt, reduce its vulnerability and, eventually, benefit from some of the effects of change.

Spanish agriculture will have to face rising temperatures, changes in the annual distribution of rainfall and increased droughts.

In livestock farming, the availability of fodder resources is of particular relevance, which conditions livestock feed and farm profitability, but it will also be necessary to deal with parasitic and infectious processes, whose etiological agents and/or vectors are closely linked to the climate.

Agriculture, livestock, fishing, aquaculture and food-related documents


La región mediterránea se enfrenta en la actualidad a retos mundiales críticos, como la escasez de agua, la inseguridad alimentaria y energética y la degradación de los ecosistemas. Estos retos están...



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Fundación Global Nature

Educational Resources Related to agriculture, livestock, fishing, aquaculture and food