Case study
Rainwater saving and use in households, Bremen |
Case study
Heat Hotline Parasol – Kassel region |
Case study
Ghent crowdfunding platform realising climate change adaptation through urban greening |
Case study
European funds for flood protection measures in Smolyan - Bulgaria |
Case study
Vrijburcht: a privately funded climate–proof collective garden in Amsterdam |
Case study
Optimization of the mix of private and public funding to realise climate adaptation measures in Malmö |
Case study
Public-private partnership for a new flood proof district in Bilbao |
Case study
Private investment in a leakage monitoring program to cope with water scarcity in Lisbon |
Case study
Climate bond financing adaptation actions in Paris |
Case study
Autonomous adaptation to droughts in an agro-silvo-pastoral system in Alentejo |
Case study
Realisation of flood protection measures for the city of Prague |
Case study
GAIA - Green Area Inner-city Agreement to finance tree planting in Bologna |
Case study
Four pillars to Hamburg’s Green Roof Strategy: financial incentive, dialogue, regulation and science |
Case study
Social vulnerability to heatwaves – from assessment to implementation of adaptation measures in Košice and Trnava, Slovakia |
Case study
Multifunctional water management and green infrastructure development in an ecodistrict in Rouen |
Case study
Climate-Proofing Social Housing Landscapes – Groundwork London and Hammersmith Fulham Council |
Case study
Implementation of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Green Urban Infrastructure Strategy |
Case study
Assessing adaptation challenges and increasing resilience at Heathrow airport |
Case study
Environment-friendly urban street design for decentralized ecological rainwater management in Ober-Grafendorf, Lower Austria |
Case study
Timmendorfer Strand coastal flood defence strategy, Germany |
Case study
Nature-based measures against rockfalls over forests in the Engadin Region, Switzerland |
Case study
Creation of man-made snowdrifts for improving the breeding success of the Saimaa ringed seal |
Case study
Catchment management approach to flash flood risks in Glasgow |
Case study
Relocation as adaptation to flooding in the Eferdinger Becken, Austria |
Case study
The Watermachine: multifunctional area for flood protection and improved water quality - Kristalbad, Enschede |