Experience of adaptation
The role of insurance in reducing catastrophic impact and adapting to climate change |
Case study
Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change |
Case study
CALCHAS - An integrated analysis system for the effective fire conservancy of forests |
Case study
Climate bond financing adaptation actions in Paris |
Case study
Four pillars to Hamburg’s Green Roof Strategy: financial incentive, dialogue, regulation and science |
Case study
Financial Institutions: preparing the market for adapting to climate change – Climabiz |
Case study
Autonomous adaptation to droughts in an agro-silvo-pastoral system in Alentejo |
Case study
Optimization of the mix of private and public funding to realise climate adaptation measures in Malmö |
Case study
Vrijburcht: a privately funded climate–proof collective garden in Amsterdam |
Case study
European funds for flood protection measures in Smolyan - Bulgaria |
Case study
Bosco Limite - A participatory strategy of water saving and aquifer artificial recharge in Northern Italy |
Case study
Rainwater saving and use in households, Bremen |
Case study
Ghent crowdfunding platform realising climate change adaptation through urban greening |
Case study
Nature-based measures against rockfalls over forests in the Engadin Region, Switzerland |
Case study
Securing future water supply on regional and local level in the River Lavant Valley, Carinthia |
Case study
Tamera water retention landscape to restore the water cycle and reduce vulnerability to droughts |
Case study
Agroforestry: agriculture of the future? The case of Montpellier |
Case study
Financial contributions of planning applications to prevention of heathland fires in Dorset, UK |
Case study
Infrastructure and economic incentives to reduce vulnerability to drought in Segura and Tagus basins |
Case study
Lower Danube green corridor: floodplain restoration for flood protection |
Divulgative resource
Agriculture in a changing climate |
Divulgative resource
Climate change threatens Europe's coasts |
Divulgative resource
Droughts in a changing climate |
Divulgative resource
Electricity production in a changing climate |
Divulgative resource
An increasing water scarcity in a changing climate |