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- To present the findings of SOFF impact study by ECMWF, explaining how closing the basic weather and climate data gap will leverage high impact and contribute to a global public good.
- To present the rapid progress of SOFF as per the SOFF Action Report 2024 and to highlight the success stories from SOFF operations in countries.
- To welcome donor countries financial pledges that will shape the course of finance for systematic observations.
Selwin Hart. Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Just Transition.
Celeste Saulo. Secretary-General. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Sinead Walsh. Climate Director. Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs.
Hajja Nasseem. SOFF Global Facilitator & Former Maldives Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change and Technology.
- Michael Kremer. 2019 Nobel in Economics. Chair of the Innovation Commission.
- Florence Rabier. Director-General. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
- UNDP Senior representative (TBC)
- Markus Repnik. Director. SOFF Secretariat.
- Toeolesulusulu Cedric Pose Salesa Schuster. Minister of Natural Resources. Environment and Lands. Samoa (AOSIS Chair).
- Mafalda Duarte. GCF Executive Director. Green Climate Fund.
- Eamon Ryan T.D. Minister for Environment, Climate Action, Communications and Transport. Ireland.
- Willem van de Voorde. Special Envoy for Climate & Environment. Belgium.
- Henrik Silkjæ. Deputy Director for the Department of International Climate Policy. Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. Denmark.
- Pasi Hellman. Under-Secretary of State. Development Policy. Finland.
- Marianne Johansen. Assistant Director. Norad – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Norway.
- High-Level Official from the Spanish Government (TBC)
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 12:30 - 13:30