COP29 - Energy Transition and Energy Planning

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Spain is already experiencing the opportunities of the implementation of energy transition technologies: competitiveness, job opportunities, GDP growth, along with the fulfillment of the countries contribution to stop climate change. 

Brazil is organizing the next COP and can present interesting tools on energy transition, just transition and energy planning.


  • To show the importance of energy and climate planning to fulfil international climate goals. 
  • Spain has recently approved the revised Energy and Climate planning tool towards 2030 and it is already experiencing the benefits of the early implementation of green technologies. 
  • Brazil as a big economy in Latin America and as a relevant energy producer (both renewable and traditional) is also a good example of energy transition implementation.


Víctor Marcos Morell. General Director of Energy Planning and Coordination. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Spain.


  • Cristina Rivero Fernández. Director of Industry, environment and climate department. Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations. (CEOE).
  • María Netto. Executive Director. Instituto Clima e Sociedade (ICS). Brasil.
  • José Donoso. General Director. UNEF.
  • Víctor Marcos Morell. General Director of Energy Planning and Coordination. Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. Spain.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 14:30 - 15:30