MasDunas Project. Environmental restoration of the MasPalomas dune system

Sectores afectados
Coast zones

The project is a pilot experience aimed at finding suitable measures to slow, as much as possible, the environmental degradation that has occurred in the Maspalomas dunes over the past 50 years, preventing the disappearance of the mobile dune field and preserving its environmental values and importance as a tourist attraction. The most significant erosion factors in the dune system are storms and alterations resulting from climate change. Additionally, the dunes are threatened because the natural wind systems have undergone significant anthropogenic changes due to recent urban development. Given that the Maspalomas dune system is an area of special scientific interest, as well as a Natural Reserve and a Special Conservation Area, the Cabildo de Gran Canaria has implemented a series of protection and conservation measures through the MasDunas pilot project.