Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Case studies

An increasing number of experiences, initiatives and projects aimed at developing and implementing specific actions to adapt to climate change. In this module you will be able to explore practical cases on adaptation developed in different territories of Spain and implemented by Public Administrations, private sector entities, organisations, and other actors. On the other hand, you will also be able to consult and access the case studies included in the European Climate-ADAPT Platform. Here you can find more information about this functionality and the connection with Climate-ADAPT.
Furthermore, in this publication you can find a selection of adaptation case studies with some of the most representative practices.
Note: The views and documentation provided in the case studies are the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the case studies.
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Other Case studies

At the request of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (DGITM), Cerema (Centre d’Études et d’Expertise sur les Risques, l’Environnement, la Mobilité et l’Aménagement) under supervision of the French Administration, completed in 2015 a systematic

To combat the impacts of cloudbursts, the City of Copenhagen developed a Cloudburst Management Plan in 2012, which is an offshoot of the Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan.

With 5.71 m2/inhabitant in 2019, the city of Basel in Switzerland has the largest area of green roofs per capita in the world (Living roofs and walls from policy to practice, 2019).

Pursuant to the Water Framework Directive and in accordance with the environmental objectives of the Hydrological Plan of the Tagus River Hydrographic Basin, in coordination with Patrimonio Nacional (as the entity that manages the Monte de El Pardo area), the improvement of the ecological conditi

The objective of the LIFE MEDACC project is to develop innovative solutions aimed at adapting our agroforestry and urban systems to the impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean area.

The Navarre Network of Local Entities for Sustainability (NELS Network)  with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Climate Change Office has developed the Project titled "EGOKI, integrating criteria for adaptation to climate change into urban planning of local entities of th

This case study considers a Finnish example of replacing overhead lines with underground cabling. The same strategy is also applied in other European countries. Elenia is the second largest electricity distribution system operator in Finland.

Nine UK electricity generating companies have been receiving support based on the provisions of the Climate Change Act of 2008.

Stuttgart’s location in a valley basin, its mild climate, low wind speeds, industrial activity and high volume of traffic has made it susceptible to poor air quality.