The industrial sector faces a wide range of impacts resulting from climate change, which vary in accordance with the segment of activity. In general terms, the majority of extreme weather phenomena and rising sea levels will affect industrial assets, and the predicted loss in water resources will impact on water-intense industrial activities. Furthermore, rising temperatures will affect numerous production processes that take place in outdoor settings or that require stable temperatures in order to guarantee maximum levels of performance.
All these impacts may result in the need to transform Spain’s industrial sector, the costs of which will vary depending on the activity in question, and the appearance of new opportunities for innovation and industrial development.
Análisis de impacto, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático de la industria de la madera
Universidad de Vigo, 2020
Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB), 2016
Universidad de Granada , 2018