City, Urban planning and Building

Case study Urban river restoration: a sustainable strategy for storm-water management in Lodz, Poland
Case study The refurbishment of Gomeznarro park in Madrid focused on storm water retention
Case study Zaragoza: combining awareness raising and financial measures to enhance water efficiency
Case study Storm water management in Växjö - the Linnaeus canal and Växjö lake lagoons, Sweden
Case study Room for the River Waal – protecting the city of Nijmegen
Case study Barcelona trees tempering the Mediterranean city climate
Case study Implementation of the integrated Master Plan for Coastal Safety in Flanders
Case study Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures
Case study Complex embankment and dyke systems in the Smeltalė River, Klaipėda city
Case study Berlin Biotope Area Factor – Implementation of guidelines helping to control temperature and runoff
Case study Integrating climate change adaptation into coastal planning in Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
Case study Climate resilient retrofit of a Rotterdam building
Case study Stuttgart: combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors
Case study Green roofs in Basel, Switzerland: combining mitigation and adaptation measures
Case study Urban storm water management in Augustenborg, Malmö
Case study White roof, innovative solar shadings and bioclimatic design in Madrid
Case study Room for the River Regge, Netherlands - restoring dynamics
Case study NBS URBAN project: Map of the potential of Natural Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation at the local level: Methodological guide for its identification and mapping. Donostia-San Sebastián Case Study
Case study EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre
Divulgative resource Training "Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level". May 2021 (first part)
Divulgative resource Training "Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level". May 2021 (second part)
Divulgative resource Adapting urban planning in rural municipalities: the EGOKI project
Divulgative resource Changing the city through food policies: the Valencia example
Divulgative resource Let's adapt municipalities to the new climate.
Divulgative resource Winning project Climate Generation initiative (2023). XALOC. Bioclimatic, fair and inclusive adaptation for housing.