Case study
Urban river restoration: a sustainable strategy for storm-water management in Lodz, Poland |
Case study
The refurbishment of Gomeznarro park in Madrid focused on storm water retention |
Case study
Zaragoza: combining awareness raising and financial measures to enhance water efficiency |
Case study
Storm water management in Växjö - the Linnaeus canal and Växjö lake lagoons, Sweden |
Case study
Room for the River Waal – protecting the city of Nijmegen |
Case study
Barcelona trees tempering the Mediterranean city climate |
Case study
Implementation of the integrated Master Plan for Coastal Safety in Flanders |
Case study
Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures |
Case study
Complex embankment and dyke systems in the Smeltalė River, Klaipėda city |
Case study
Berlin Biotope Area Factor – Implementation of guidelines helping to control temperature and runoff |
Case study
Integrating climate change adaptation into coastal planning in Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia) |
Case study
Climate resilient retrofit of a Rotterdam building |
Case study
Stuttgart: combating the heat island effect and poor air quality with green ventilation corridors |
Case study
Green roofs in Basel, Switzerland: combining mitigation and adaptation measures |
Case study
Urban storm water management in Augustenborg, Malmö |
Case study
White roof, innovative solar shadings and bioclimatic design in Madrid |
Case study
Room for the River Regge, Netherlands - restoring dynamics |
Case study
NBS URBAN project: Map of the potential of Natural Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation at the local level: Methodological guide for its identification and mapping. Donostia-San Sebastián Case Study |
Case study
EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre |
Divulgative resource
Training "Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level". May 2021 (first part) |
Divulgative resource
Training "Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level". May 2021 (second part) |
Divulgative resource
Adapting urban planning in rural municipalities: the EGOKI project |
Divulgative resource
Changing the city through food policies: the Valencia example |
Divulgative resource
Let's adapt municipalities to the new climate. |
Divulgative resource
Winning project Climate Generation initiative (2023). XALOC. Bioclimatic, fair and inclusive adaptation for housing. |