Water resources

Water resources in Spain play a crucial role in the social and economic development of numerous sectors and territories, and in guaranteeing the good condition of many ecological systems.
Spain’s water resources are highly sensitive to climate change, and the impact is even greater in arid or semi-arid areas, which abound particularly in certain water basins where reductions in water resources of up to 30% are forecast for the end of the 21st century.
The existing water resource system and its management are a key factor in the application of measures aimed at adapting to climate change in order to minimise the possible impacts.


Water resources-related documents


En 2024 se registraron temperaturas mundiales sin precedentes, tras el notable calor de 2023. También fue el primer año con una temperatura media claramente superior a 1,5 °C por encima del nivel...



El 29 de octubre de 2024, una Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA) de gran intensidad golpeó varias regiones de España, provocando unos niveles de destrucción pocas veces vistos en nuestro país y...

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Educational Resources Related to water resources