Alterations brought about by climate change, particularly episodes of extreme weather, may directly affect insurance companies. In this sense, the areas that could be most affected by climate change include damage to property, industrial and engineering assets and fire, and, albeit to a lesser degree, health, life and civil liability.
In terms of agricultural and farming insurance, the eastern half of the Iberian Peninsula is the most vulnerable area to climate change due to the high risk of weather phenomena and the high concentration of crops that are sensitive to these variables.
Financial markets will also be affected by climate change that will have a general impact on economic growth in a number of sectors due to the rise in the frequency and intensity of extreme phenomena that could damage industrial and property assets and affect the market value of the more exposed companies.
Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático en la actividad aseguradora
OECC, 2020
El sector asegurador ante el cambio climático. Riesgos y oportunidades
Fundación MAPFRE, 2007
Forética, 2018
El Impacto del Cambio Climático en el Sector Financiero y de Seguros
ICE, 2016
Climate Change and the Insurance Industry: Taking Action as Risk Managers and Investors
The Geneva Association, 2018
LIBRO VERDE sobre el aseguramiento de catástrofes naturales y antropógenas
Comisión Europea, 2013