Cross-border effects

Spain is interconnected in many ways with the rest of the world. The effects of climate change beyond our borders become impacts in our country through various channels, such as trade, financial and human flows and also due to geopolitical changes.

The following resources present a global approach to adaptation and incorporate the cross-border dimension in climate change adaptation initiatives.

    The Global Transboundary Climate Risk Report
    The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations & Adaptation Without Borders, April 2023

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    Climate change, trade, and global food security
    Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI report), September 2021

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    Climate-resilient trade and production. The transboundary effects of climate change and their implications for EU member states
    Adaptation without Borders Policy Brief, August 2020

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    International Trade consequences of climate change
    OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers, 2017/01

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    Implications for the EU of cross-border climate change impacts
    IMPRESSIONS: Impacts and Risks from High-end Scenarios: Strategies for Innovative Solutions, 2017

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    Transboundary effects on Europe due to climate change impacts in the rest of the world
    JRC PESETA III Project

    Introducing the Transnational Climate Impacts Index: Indicators of country-level exposure – methodology report
    Stockholm Environment Institute, Working Paper 2016-07

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    Cross-border effects-related documents


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