Case study
Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change |
Case study
Use of insurance loss data by local authorities in Norway |
Case study
Incorporating climate change risks in planning the modernization of the railway corridor in Slovakia |
Case study
Climate adaptation strategy for the Grimsel area in the Swiss Alps |
Case study
Securing future water supply on regional and local level in the River Lavant Valley, Carinthia |
Case study
Nature-based measures against rockfalls over forests in the Engadin Region, Switzerland |
Case study
Building railway transport resilience to Alpine hazards in Austria |
Case study
Moor protection in the Allgäu region (Germany) through a stakeholder-based approach |
Case study
European funds for flood protection measures in Smolyan - Bulgaria |
Case study
Operation of the Austrian Heat Protection Plan |
Case study
Adaptation of French standards for design, maintenance and operation of transport infrastructures |
Case study
EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre |