Education and society

Experience of adaptation Fighting energy poverty in summer: The COOLTORISE project and its ecosocial approach
Experience of adaptation Changing the city through food policies: the example of Valencia
Experience of adaptation Improving governance and adaptation of the Mediterranean forest in Menorca
Experience of adaptation The Sevilla for Climate Network, a citizen initiative to tackle climate change
Experience of adaptation AlVelAl, a collective effort to regenerate soils and revitalize the territory
Experience of adaptation Protecting health in the face of climate change: preventing risks from heat and cold waves
Experience of adaptation Decarbonize, which is no small feat: rescuing low-energy practices
Experience of adaptation Ecooo: contributing to the energy transition through social and cultural change
Experience of adaptation Adapting estuaries to climate change: the example of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve
Experience of adaptation The role of insurance in reducing catastrophic impact and adapting to climate change
Experience of adaptation Mosquito Alert: citizen science and climate change adaptation
Experience of adaptation La Marjal Park in Alicante, an innovative project to reduce flood risks
Experience of adaptation The Urban Green Infrastructure of Vitoria-Gasteiz: a comprehensive approach to improving the city and its surroundings
Experience of adaptation Dismantling a ski resort and restoring mountain ecosystems: the pioneering example of Valcotos
Case study Amphibians, biodiversity conservation, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, Segovia, Castilla y León
Case study Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change
Case study Life Montserrat Project.- Silvopastoral management for habitat conservation and prevention of large forest fires
Case study ADAPTaRES Project: Adaptation to climate change in Macaronesia through the efficient use of water and its reuse
Case study Environmental restoration of the Maspalomas dune system (MASDUNAS Project)
Case study Mosquito Alert, a 360º citizen science observatory
Case study Reconversion of old irrigated farmland in pasturelands (dehesas) in the area of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park
Case study EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre
Divulgative resource Air Pollution vs Climate Change
Divulgative resource 14 axes of ecological transition generating employment