Cultural heritage

Cultural heritage is an asset that needs to be protected against the new risks arising from climate change, but it is also a resource that can strengthen the adaptive capacity of human communities in the face of climate change.
Some of the effects of climate change on cultural heritage are already visible: many properties located near the coast are affected by rising sea levels; fluctuations in the water table affect the structural stability of buildings of historical and cultural interest; and the increase in temperature combined with the effects of air pollution lead to an increase in physical, chemical and mechanical erosion processes.
Alterations in cultural landscapes and in the practices and knowledge associated with agricultural economic activities and traditional ways of life caused by increased desertification, flooding and extreme events cannot be neglected.

    World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate
    Climate Change and World Heritage
    Climate Change Adaptation for Natural World Heritage Sites – A Practical Guide
    Managing Disaster Risks for World Heritage

    Cultural heritage-related documents


    El proyecto europeo GreenHeritage se puso en marcha en diciembre de 2022 con el objetivo de desarrollar un enfoque holístico, innovador e integrador del impacto directo e indirecto del Cambio...

    Proyecto europeo GreenHeritage


    Los bienes del patrimonio mundial se ven afectados por los impactos del cambio climático en el presente y en el futuro. Su preservación continua requiere comprender estos impactos en su valor...

    UNESCO / Convención del Patrimonio Mundial


    Este informe resume el trabajo del grupo de expertos de los Estados miembros del Método Abierto de Coordinación (MAC) de la UE sobre "Fortalecimiento de la resiliencia del patrimonio cultural frente...

    EU Open Method of Coordination (OMC) expert group

    Educational Resources Related to cultural heritage