COP29 - How anticipation and early action are key to accelerating a clean, fair and inclusive energy transition

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The panel will enable an in-depth and multi stakeholder exchange of views regarding the role of  anticipating, planning and accelerating the implementation of policies and measures in achieving the energy commitments agreed at COP28 (tripling renewables, doubling energy efficiency and transitioning away from fossil fuels, among others) in the most lean, just and equitable way.


  • A firm resolve is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C, as per the Paris Agreement, and to heed the call made at COP28 regarding tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency improvements by 2030 while accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels. 
  • The existing legal framework to achieve the 2030 goals needs to be implemented in the simplest, fairest and most inclusive way. And beyond this, we need to design a solid and stable post-2030 strategic framework that will deliver climate neutrality by 2050. 
  • Anticipation, planning and policy are essential to provide certainty and redibility to investors.


 Lara Lázaro Touza. Senior Analyst. Elcano Royal Institute.


  • Phil Cole. Director of Industrial Affairs. Wind Europe.
  • Heikki Willstedt Mesa. Director of Energy Policies and Climate Change. Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE).
  • Pablo Hevia-Koch. Head of Unit Renewables Integration and Secure. International Energy Agency (IEA).
  • Raúl Alfaro Pelico. Director of Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
  • Isabela del Alcázar. Chief Purpose and Sustainability Officer. IE.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 13:00 - 14:00