COP29 - Financing eco-youth projects – the Interreg NEXT MED Programme: opportunities for young people of the Mediterranean

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The Interreg NEXT MED Programme, the largest transnational cooperation initiative between EU Member States and partner countries across the Mediterranean region, is about to launch its new call for Green Transition projects, with a budget over 83,5€M. The call will be open for several types of projects, namely the Eco-youth projects, which are intended to be managed mostly by young people and to deliver results mostly for the benefit of the Mediterranean youth. This event will present the Eco-Youth projects and how this generation can benefit from the funds released by this programme.


  • Present the new call for Green Transition Projects.
  • Present one specific type of project eligible within this call: the Eco-Youth projects.
  • Make attendees gain insight into the specific topics of the call, the rules for participation, and funding details.
  • Provide practical advice for crafting successful proposals.
  • Solve doubts and encourage potential beneficiaries to apply for the call.
  • Give the voice to young people committed to finding solutions against climate change.


Vincent Ernoux. Coordinator of the Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean. Interreg NEXT MED Programme.


  • Ines Duarte. Project Manager. Energy and Climate Action. Union for the Mediterranean.
  • Paula Rincón Muñiz. Generación Clima COP29.
  • Mariana Gomes. Advisor President. Último Recurso Association.
  • Martin Heibel. Communication Manager. Interreg NEXT MED Programme.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 07:00 - 08:00