COP29 - Advancing transition finance by shaping credible transition plans

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  • Overview of the European Framework for Transition Finance: to introduce the framework, highlighting its goals and structure.
  • Key Elements of a Credible Transition Plan within the EU Regulatory Framework: to outline and discuss the essential components of a robust and compliant transition plan under EU regulations.
  • Global Regulatory Developments and Interoperability of Transition Plan Disclosures: to explore the evolving regulatory landscape around the world concerning transition plan disclosures and examine what interoperability across jurisdictions might look like.
  • Corporate and Bank Perspectives: a discussion featuring insights from both corporate and banking sectors on implementing and financing credible transition plans.


Helena Viñes Fiestas. Chair. EU Platform on Sustainable Finance.


  • Mardi McBrien. Chief of Strategic Affairs & Capacity Building. IFRS Foundation.
  • Nick Robins. Executive Director. Just Transition Finance Lab. Grantham Institute. London School of Economics.
  • Gonzalo Sáenz De Miera. Director of Climate Change and Alliances. Iberdrola.
  • Jean-Paul Servais. Chairman of Financial Services and Markets Authority of Belgium. Chair. IOSCO Board.
  • Jan Dusik. Deputy Director-General. DG CLIMA. European Commission.
  • Thomas Tayler. Head of Climate Finance. AVIVA Investor.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 08:30 - 09:30