Observation of sea level variations at the Geodynamic Laboratory of Lanzarote (LGL)

The observation's module for continuous recording of sea level variations in the LGL is located in the intersection between the volcanic tunnel of La Corona volcano and the Atlantic Ocean, at the north of Lanzarote Island in a place named Jameos del Agua. The situation and features of this module, they make of it a place of excellent characteristics to study the possible variations of sea level, which is one of the indicative parameters of a possible global climatic change. Since 1987 we have settled various tidal sensors in the most three important lakes, constituted inside the volcanic tube, in the nearby of the coast when the volcanic tube descends below ocean level. Likewise, we settled in the exterior a sea-bottom maregraph in the closest area to the coast of the Jameos del Agua. Three years ago the station was accomplished with a geodetic GPS in continuous operation, to control possible deformations of geodynamic character. Some interesting results obtained up to now are presented here, as well as the plans foreseen for the future in this module of the LGL.

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