Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Case studies

An increasing number of experiences, initiatives and projects aimed at developing and implementing specific actions to adapt to climate change. In this module you will be able to explore practical cases on adaptation developed in different territories of Spain and implemented by Public Administrations, private sector entities, organisations, and other actors. On the other hand, you will also be able to consult and access the case studies included in the European Climate-ADAPT Platform. Here you can find more information about this functionality and the connection with Climate-ADAPT.
Furthermore, in this publication you can find a selection of adaptation case studies with some of the most representative practices.
Note: The views and documentation provided in the case studies are the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the case studies.


Insurance is crucial to adapt to the risks of climate change and its consequences, which often result in natural catastrophes and extreme hydrometeorological events, directly affecting the insurance sector. In this context, the industry must adopt measures to assess risk changes.


The islands of Macaronesia are not spared from the effects of climate change, being very vulnerable to their consequences given their particular geographical situation, insularity, remoteness from the continent, fragmentati


The Masdunas project is a pilot initiative born with the aim of finding the appropriate solutions to halt, as much as possible, the environmental degradation that has occurred over the past 50 years in the Maspalomas Dunes, largely due to the unsustainable use of its resources.


The European LIFE CERSUDS project (Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System) is developing sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that use ceramic materials of low commercial value as a filter system for construction or paving.


The NBS URBAN project aims to integrate nature into urban planning, strengthening the use of ecosystems and nature together with existing infrastructures, for adaptation to climate change at the level of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, using a map for its identifi


The Navarre Network Association of Local Entities for Sustainability (NELS), with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Office for Climate Change, has conducted the EGOKI project (ADAPT project, in Basque) project.

Other Case studies

Weather- and climate-related damages, in particular those due to flooding, pose substantial risks to the business continuity of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

25 Verde is a residential building in Torino including 63 apartments (ranging from 50 to 140 square meters), which has been designed to integrate over 150 trees and other plants in the façade and on the roof to create an ideal micro-climate inside the building, while

The City of Tatabánya has an approved comprehensive adaptation strategy, the Local Climate Change Action Plan, that is in its implementation stage.