Desarrollado conjuntamente con socios de reconocido prestigio como PIK (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) o LSE (London School of Economics),el proyecto RAMSES “Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation a
Global climate change threatens
global biodiversity, ecosystem
function, and human wellbeing,
with thousands of publications
demonstrating impacts across a
wide diversity of taxonomic groups,
ecosystems, economics, and social
El cambio climático puede afectar a importantes componentes medioambientales de los destinos vacacionales, lo que podría repercutir en las economías dependientes del turismo.
Este artículo presenta un resumen de la puesta en común que un grupo de alumnos hicieron para un curso de doctorado del programa "Cambio global y desarrollo sostenible" de la Universidad de Alcalá.
In issuing its ‘Gran Canaria Declaration on Climate Change and Plant Conservation’ the Gran Canaria Group, whose membership is drawn from major biodiversity conservation organisations around the world, including botanic gardens, is calling on the international community to take urgent action to prot
This poster builds upon the earlier work of Osborn et al.
(1999), Ulbrich et al. (1999), Zorita & Gonzalez-Ruoco (2000)
and others, in evaluating and applying climate model simulations to answer a number of questions about the North Atlantic
La obra presenta las comunicaciones al VIII congreso Internacional AEC (Salamanca, 2012) distribuidas en tres ponencias:
I: Escenarios y modelos climáticos (22 comunicaciones)
II: Variabilidad climática y extremos (45 comunicaciones)
III: Impactos climáticos (30 comunicaciones)
The tourism-recreation sector is increasingly recognized as a climate-sensitive economic sector, with both supply- (tourism operators, destination communities) and demand-side stakeholders (tourists) directly affected by climate and its indirect influence on a wide range of environmental resources t