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Information by Autonomous Community
The Aragonese Climate Change Strategy - Horizon 2030 (EACC 2030), approved in the Government Council of February 12, 2019 (BOA of March 19, 2019), is the result of the commitment of the Government of Aragon to the challenges introduced by the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, both promoted by the United Nations. This strategy constitutes the referential framework in Aragon for the development of public policies and the necessary measures, within the Horizon 2030 framework, for the mitigation of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and adaptation to climate change in the activities developed in our territory.
In order to reinforce the commitment of the Government of Aragon on climate change, the Government Council of Aragon approves on December 3, 2019, the Institutional Declaration of the Government of Aragon on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (BOA of January 14, 2020), in line with those approved in the Congress and the European Parliament. The Government of Aragon, through this declaration, is committed to working to reverse climate change in a transversal approach in all areas of activity, so it is essential that each body of the Autonomous Community establishes climate action measures to achieve the objectives set out in the Aragonese Climate Change Strategy.
In terms of governance, we have the Interdepartmental Commission on Climate Change of the Government of Aragon, an advisory and interdepartmental coordination body on climate change of the Government of Aragon, attached to the Department of the Government of Aragon with competences on climate change, in addition to the Aragon Climate Council, a consultative and advisory body of the Government of Aragon to strengthen climate change governance, promote climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, as well as the monitoring of the Aragon Climate Change Strategy - Horizon 2030 (EACC-2030).