Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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City, Urban planning and Building

Storm water management in Växjö - the Linnaeus canal and Växjö lake lagoons, Sweden

The City of Växjö is situated in the southern part of Sweden, surrounded by forests and lakes. As many parts of the central city of Växjö were built upon wet and swampy areas they are vulnerable to floods after heavy rainfall events. One of the most affected parts is the street Linnégatan which is built on a previously existing small stream and which is situated much lower than the surrounding built areas. In past years, rainwater often flooded the street and the nearby buildings’ basements and cellars.

Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures

The City of Tatabánya has an approved comprehensive adaptation strategy, the Local Climate Change Action Plan, that is in its implementation stage.

This Plan is based upon a comprehensive approach taking into consideration both mitigation and adaptation, incorporating climate considerations into decision-making, and including adaptation concerns in municipal processes. At this time, three measures have been implemented: (1) a local heat alert system; (2) the Smart Sun Educational Programme; and (3) building capacity of the fire brigade.





EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre

The Navarre Network of Local Entities for Sustainability (NELS Network)  with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Climate Change Office has developed the Project titled "EGOKI, integrating criteria for adaptation to climate change into urban planning of local entities of the Comunidad Foral de Navarra (Navarre Region)".