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Case studies
Furthermore, in this publication you can find a selection of adaptation case studies with some of the most representative practices.
Note: The views and documentation provided in the case studies are the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the case studies.
River Restoration of the Manzanares River in the surroundings of the Royal Site of El Pardo (Madrid)
Other Case studies
El proyecto “Adaptación, restauración y creación de hábitats para anfibios amenazados por el cambio climático en los Montes de Valsaín, Segovia” nace con el objetivo de contrarrestar el declive global de los anfibios, q
“Allgäuer Moorallianz” is an initiative which was founded in 2007 aiming to foster moor protection in the Allgäu region.
The strategy and action plan for the wetland ecosystems in Attica Region (Greece) were developed in the OrientGate project by the Environmental Department of Attica Regional Authority with the scientific support of the Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY).
With 5.71 m2/inhabitant in 2019, the city of Basel in Switzerland has the largest area of green roofs per capita in the world (Living roofs and walls from policy to practice, 2019).