Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Case studies


The islands of Macaronesia are not spared from the effects of climate change, being very vulnerable to their consequences given their particular geographical situation, insularity, remoteness from the continent, fragmentati


The Tablas de Daimiel is a virtually unique wetland in Europe and the last representative of the ecosystem known as 'river tables,' once characteristic of the central plain of our Peninsula.


Until the 1970s, the lower section of the Arga River, near its confluence with the Aragón, meandered through a wide floodplain, with intense fluvial dynamics.


The European LIFE CERSUDS project (Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System) is developing sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) that use ceramic materials of low commercial value as a filter system for construction or paving.


The Manzanares River, as it passes through the historic Royal Site of El Pardo, has undergone various hydromorphological alterations over the years, which profoundly transformed both the riverbed and its banks.