Plataforma sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático en España

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Territorial vulnerability

La presente guía se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de contribuir a aclarar la terminología asociada a los análisis de riesgos y proponer orientaciones generales para su desarrollo e implementación, que permitan obtener resultados coherentes entre los diferentes actores y organizaciones involucrados
El Comité Europeo de las Regiones (CDR) publica el primer manual del Pacto Verde, centrado en la adaptación al cambio climático.

Territorial vulnerability

The risks derived from climate change are not distributed homogeneously throughout the territory, so adaptive responses must integrate a spatial approach that allows for the identification of the most vulnerable areas and the adoption of specific adaptation measures.

This section includes documents, studies, etc. that help to address adaptation to climate change from a territorial perspective.


Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change

Insurance is crucial to adapt to the risks of climate change and its consequences, which often result in natural catastrophes and extreme hydrometeorological events, directly affecting the insurance sector. In this context, the industry must adopt measures to assess risk changes. It must manage and seek solutions that minimise damage, strengthen society's resilience, and play a key role in mitigating climate change.

Pteridium Project. - Adaptation to climate change in the Cantabrian Mountains by controlling common fern (Pteridium aquilinium) populations in a circular economy system

The project "Adaptation to Climate Change in the Cantabrian Mountains through the control of common fern (Pteridium aquilinum) populations in a Circular Economy system" led by the Association of Sustainable Municipalities of Cantabria, in addition to having the support of the Ministry for Ecological Transition through the Biodiversity Foundation, had also with the participation of the Environmental Research Center (CIMA), the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (CSIC-IBBTEC) and the Cultural Association Bosques de Cantabria.

La evaluación de la vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático es un paso necesario para priorizar las medidas de adaptación, que son el pilar esencial en un eventual marco de desarrollo sostenible para Canarias. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la vulnerabilidad en las próximas décadas si
El informe Evaluación Preliminar de los Impactos en España por efecto del Cambio Climático es el esfuerzo de un numeroso grupo de expertos para intentar valorar cuáles pueden ser los cambios que ocurrirán a lo largo de este siglo XXI en el clima de España como consecuencia del calentamiento global d